Monday, October 22, 2007

"well i'm convinced the whole day long that all i learn is always wrong and things are true that i forget but no one taught that to me yet"

some of the things i have learned so far in mumbai:
--the ubiquitous side to side head bobble here means something like yes, ok, maybe, thanks...
--indians have a wicked spit projectile.
--wear a sports bra on the rickshaws.
--if possible, spend the extra money to get soundproof walls. last night i though someone was hawking a loogie in my bed.
--diapers, tampons and toilet paper are luxuries.
--always wash behind and in your ears (you may find dirt from several continents.)
--americans need to learn some hospitality.
--distance in mumbai is measured in minutes (usually underestimated) not miles or kilometers) and the concepts of north,south, east and west are nonexistent.
--heterosexual men holding hands is normal, men and women holding hands is not.
--praying before leaving the house is non-negotiable, and probably a good idea considering the likelihood of dying in transit.
--having two thumbs is auspicious, as is being a hermaphrodite.
--car horns should be used excessively to warn, distract, enrage, or just make nice rhythms.
--to me, indian music sounds like dying cats.
--some of the beggars arrive at their posts in cars from their nice homes in the suburbs.
--to get someone's attention, hiss like a snake or make a kissing sound.
--wherever you are, get familiar with the breaker box/room
--barefoot is the way to go. thank goodness for the harvey leather soles.
--no one touches their lips to their bottle or glass; they pour it into their mouths. i only figured this out after every person on the train stared at me as i guzzled my water.
--madeleine l'engle died (i wish someone had told me!) hopefully she has escaped camazotz for a better place.


eileen Bakke said...

I'm sorry I didn't tell you that Madelin L'Engle died. You and I are big fans of her children's books. A Wrinkle in Time and A Ring of Endless Light are my favorites. She was an icon and will be missed, especially in NY.

I laughed out loud at some of your profound cultural observations! At times it must feel like you dropped in from another planet.

Anton said...

Came upon your blog by serendipity, Blogger has some gadget that you can add to your start page that scrolls the latest pictures uploaded to blogs. It's quite addictive.

Anyway, a picture of the Kanheri caves came up and I clicked it, coming to your most wonderful blog.

Some years ago, I lived in north India for a year, mostly in Udaipur, but also 3 months in Jaiselmer. Your pictures and narrative make for a very nostalgic and dreamy morning (I'm writing this from Bakersfield, California.)

The blogs from Nairobi were really amazing!

In the last few years, I've spent time in places most people wouldn't visit even in their worse nightmares, but I have found, and I'm sure you see the same thing, people are good, helpful, open, amazing - where ever you go. There is something truly miraculous and marvelous about the human heart.

Also, traveling around like this, one thing you come away with is that there are indeed a million ways to do things in this world, and many things that we consider absolutely necessary don't mean diddley squat.

The only thing that matters is whether you can open your heart so wide that it can embrace everyone just the way they are.

Anyway, just wanted to wish you the best on your journey.

bakke said...

anton is a cool cat.

Dorothy K Craft said...

Marge, Thank you for your letter in the mail telling us about your blog. The girls and I have been following your adventures! Thank you for sharing your experiences/friendships, and your (hysterical) cultural observations.

When can you visit as our guest lecturer to teach about the art you experienced along the journey and cultural reflections on a four-year-old level (that means sans the picture of the "immodest lady" as Nouwen Kate described her)? The girls want me to ask you why you didn't save the puppies ... they're relentless about it ... and today CeCe gave a really dirty look to an Asian woman in the grocery store.

Come visit! We MISS you and we LOVE you! Dorothy