Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"sometimes i've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast'

dennis and i toured the mekong delta. most people there live on boats or some sort of floating house. we were told that many people in the mekong only set foot on land a few times in their lives. it is eerily like the movie water world--but lower budget. whole communities float together. the merchants advertize by roping their goods to the mast (potatoes, combs...) after exploring by boat, we went to a town called cai be where we saw people making rice paper. dennis tasted some local snake wine. remember those coiled snakes in the last post? he drank that.

now we are in cambodia. we started in phnom penh...more to follow.


bakke said...

hmm. snake wine. I've heard that puts hair on your chest.

AdsoofMelk said...

oh is THAT why dennis is drinking it? hahah

Elizabeth said...

May we have one more post? I don't want your wonderful blog to end with Dennis and his gross snake juice.

DG said...

so now areyou going to continue writing about your life in America? I certainly hope (and expect) so.

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